April Update: Bearing Fruit
Things have been progressing nicely this month. Our management company continues to expand, with over 50 new units added. This growth confirms that our rebranding and advertising efforts are successful. I’m also excited about partnering with skill-training organizations to develop our maintenance team. My work with MKE Forward is also moving forward. While there was an initial lull in responses from potential partners, things are starting to pick up. The MPS Foundation has connected me with several enthusiastic high schools. Students are excited to help participate in the creation of our website and logo. I’m now seeking a Milwaukee-based marketing firm willing to demonstrate their community commitment by mentoring these talented young people. Additionally, a top-tier law firm in the city has agreed to partner with MKE Forward. They’ll be handling our legal needs, including our 501(c)(3) filing. I’m aiming to have this finalized by July 1st so we can